Hypocritical Blindspots

This week, I sat with a woman who was upset by a family member’s social media post that stated, “You don’t need to be perfect. I love & accept you as you are.” When I asked why she was bothered by this, she stated that the person who posted...

Broken Dreams (When God Says No)

I’m currently mourning the loss of a dream.  My heart is hurting, and my soul is confused. Until now, it’s been too hard to even talk about. When exactly the dream started, I can’t say, but it started over a year ago with a dream of having a space where like-minded...

Unconditional Joy

We’ve all heard of “unconditional love.”  It’s the cornerstone of our Christian faith, and yet it’s often misunderstood. Unconditional love doesn’t mean we allow people to treat us however they please. Rather, it means that we will...

What My Dogs Taught Me About God

One evening, my husband and I were watching t.v. with our dogs. (Yes -Maslow actually watches television. Often with her head blocking the view for everyone else in the room.) We were talking during commercials, but I stopped mid-sentence with a slack jaw, when a...

2 Things Maria Kondo Won’t Teach You

Last Saturday morning, I poured my coffee, put on some great 80s tunes, and attacked a project I’ve been putting off for years. (As in, my entire life thus far.) I went through all of my books and downsized my library! It took eight hours. I brought literally every...

Mental Clutter & Overload

Did you know that the American home has grown 300% in size in the last 50 years and is reported to contain 300,000 items? Even with acquiring more space for our “stuff”, 10% of Americans rent off-site storage! We certainly have plenty to clutter up our lives, but we...