About me

Shanen Sadowski, MSE

How I went from an unhappy 9-5 employee to Christian coach & therapist, and entrepreneur who’s passionate about life.

Maybe you can relate…

Years ago, I dropped out of college and “settled” for less.

*Less than I wanted.
*Less than I was capable of.
*Less than who I was created to be.

I took various jobs before entering corporate life, working my way up the ladder for eleven years, completely bored and unfulfilled.

In an effort to get as close as possible to the counseling & coaching dream I’d given up on, I started teaching Soft Skills to employees, but it wasn’t enough. I was bored silly.

I was sick of worrying about a company’s bottom dollar and hungry to help people live their best authentic life.

(Pretty ironic, since  I wasn’t living mine!)

One day I started praying that God would do something drastic in my life to get me “back on track”- doing what He’d created me for.  Four days later, my employer announced the elimination of 1100 positions; mine being one of them.  Just like that, He cut the security net that held me in a job I dreaded going to each day, but hadn’t had the courage to leave.

Through a long chain of strange (nearly impossible) events, I was given the opportunity to return to college to finish the degree I’d abandoned long ago.  Suddenly I was faced with all the negative beliefs I’d held for too long:

  • “I could never do that.”

  • “I’m not college material.”

  • “I’m too old to go back to school.”

And then I realized that God wouldn’t have placed this dream & passion
in my heart if he didn’t have a plan for it.

While I pushed against the memories of struggling in school the first time around, I trusted Him, and one door seemed to open the next.  When all was said and done I made the Dean’s List with a bachelor’s degree in Human Services Leadership and a master’s degree in counseling. It reminded me that all things are possible.

It was hard.


A lot of work.

I did it while juggling marriage, parenting, and a two-hour daily commute.

And it was worth every second.

Now I own a private practice where I get to counsel others, and a coaching biz where I get to coach women who have just as strong of a drive to go after the life they were created for.

I’m a no-nonsense coach who helps you see your own blind-spots.

I blow the whistle on the lies the enemy is using to keep you playing small.

Are you ready to stop dreaming and start doing?

I know you’re ready to do the work…

Because you’re here.

What’s different about me?

As both a therapist and certified life coach, I teach:
spiritual growth, congruent living, mental health, financial freedom, unconditional love with boundaries, and what neuroscience & Scripture have to say about all that!

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