You know you were created for more.

I’ll show you how to get there.

Content where God has you, while confidently pursuing the “something more” He’s put on your heart.

“I have a gym membership for my physical health – Rising Soul is how I care for my mind and spirit.
I love Rising Soul so much.” – Rising Soul Member



–> You want “something more” out of life, but you’re not even sure what that means or how to get it.  You don’t need counseling, but you want something.

–> You’re a passionate [over] giver and that’s left you feeling depleted and undervalued. 

–> You feel guilty for feeling discontent. (Aren’t we supposed to be content as Christians? Shouldn’t you just feel grateful for what you’ve already been given in this life?) You question if it’s selfish to invest time and money in yourself.

–> You’ve given so much of your life to your kids & family, and now as they get older, you wonder what’s the next act going to look like? What’s out there for you?

–> And maybe your judgment of yourself and the fear of being judged by others continues to hold you back from living your higher, God-Given Purpose.


I have really grown in my resiliency and emotional capacity to face challenges.

“I LOVE Rising Soul. I can confidently say that utilizing the membership has been the best choice I have made for my mental health. Especially during the last year as I have faced so much transition.”

– Elizabeth M.

God has given you access to everything you need to live a joy-filled, abundant life, with Him at the center.

You’ve got lots of tools; you’re just not applying them.

Having abundant health, relationships, and resources isn’t a license to grow them for selfish purposes, and desiring growth in these areas doesn’t make you selfish or ungrateful!  

Have you ever asked yourself what living a FULL LIFE would look like for you? 

  • Maybe it’s never having to turn down an invite for coffee with a friend who needs to talk because you’re too “busy.”
  • Or feeling like you’re the same congruent, authentic person regardless of where you are, who you’re with, or what you’re doing. 
  • Or being able to make clear, confident decisions, without second-guessing yourself.
  • Or enjoying the contributions you make (instead of feeling overwhelmed by what it costs you).
  • Or experiencing unconditional joy, rather than trying to fill the empty spaces with food, shopping, or other things that just don’t fill you up for long.

You’ve probably tried doing some of this work on your own. You read all the newest self-help books and subscribe to podcasts. You read the Bible and pray regularly. You do Bible studies and are always trying to grow, but the application is where you seem to miss the mark.

To be a Confident, Joy-filled Woman living an abundant life,
you need a program that gives you bite-sized, applicable steps that you apply and build on monthly,

with support & encouragement all the way through the process.

Introducing Rising Soul Monthly Membership

Rising Soul helps you become the Confident, Joy-filled Woman through 4 Core Pillars, creating a life of Wholeness & Wellness


Each month, you’ll get bite-sized lessons fitting within these four pillars.


When Jesus is at the center, your life is abundant & blesses others!

Because of this, spirituality is interwoven throughout all pillars and modules.

Growing closer to God & Welcoming Him into every area brings peace & freedom!


Your thoughts affect how you feel & act, and the results you create in your life.

Topics include:

  • Managing your thoughts and emotions.
  • Facing difficult circumstances
  • Goal vetting, setting, & getting
  • Self-sabotage
  • Confidence


Your relationships start with your thoughts about others.

Topics include:

  • Unconditional love
  • Boundaries
  • Expectations
  • Relationship with God
  • Relationship with others
  • Relationship with you


When focused on the Provider, you worry less about your provisions, leading you to better steward all that you’re given.

Topics include:

  • Gifts & Talents
  • Managing Time
  • Contribution
  • Finances
  • Energy
  • Health

Spiritual and mental health are emphasized throughout all modules.

Your growth and progression won’t stop. Because the process of becoming more loving, self-disciplined, and better equipped to do the work you were put on earth for is an ongoing journey!

We’re currently updating this program 

Join the wait list now to be the first to know when enrollment re-opens. 

I’m more focused on what is good, true, and beautiful in my life…

“Rising Soul has been invaluable to me. Through the membership, mentorship, and supportive community, I’ve become more equipped to recognize and challenge my own cognitive distortions and more focused on what is good, true, and beautiful in my life. This intentional renewal of my mind has improved my relationship with myself and others around me. It’s been transformative in the best way and so worth the investment.”

– Beth G



Bite-Sized Lessons Every Month

You’ll get videos, worksheets, and resources to APPLY everything you’re learning, so you see ongoing growth & change. You’ll evolve in all areas of your life as we keep taking it to the next level.


Being coached can be a powerful opportunity to find your blindspots and new awareness. When you volunteer to be coached during Office Hour, you’ll get a private link to re-watch it again to fully absorb and apply what you’ve gained.


You’ll get access to my list of favorite books and supportive resources to guide your transformation.

Two Monthly Group Coaching Calls

Attend our live “Office Hour” via Zoom to get coached on whatever topic you’d like!  Get your questions answered, and get encouragement & direction. With any time remaining, we’ll dig into the lesson for the month to share personal application and new awarenesses.

Rise Tribe

If you choose this free Marco Polo channel, you’ll get ongoing support in between coaching calls, accountability, and encouragement from other rising souls. We rise best when we rise together!


What members are saying…

I am so happy to be a part of the Rising Soul Tribe!

Rising Soul Membership for me has been about a gathering of Christian Women seeking and pursuing the life God has called us to live.

Identifying the things that hinder our growth and finding our value in who God says we are; in Rising Soul we are able to accomplish so much more together.

With meaningful assignments, group coaching sessions, live office hours, Shanen offers a variety of personal growth content that is rooted both in the Bible and in neuroscience.

Wendi L

I changed areas of my life I didn’t think I could!

Rising Soul has been a wonderful investment in myself – reinforcing my relationship with God, and using those principles to grow as a person, and change areas of my life I didn’t think I could. 

Lisa Meyer

Rising Soul is worth every second you give it to learn and grow yourself.

When times get busy and I miss I truly miss the genuine acceptance, honesty and transparency of the group. Multiple ways we get to learn, ability to ask individual questions. Her accessibility is wonderful.

Jan M.

I love Rising Soul so much!

I have a gym membership for my physical health – Rising Soul is how I care for my mind and spirit. So grateful to have found it and highly recommend it to others! 

Current Member

Shanen over delivered both with content and support.

Shanen is gifted as a life coach. She knows how to ask the right questions and has a great balance of listening carefully, seeing patterns in what you say and sensitively communicating insights.

I can honestly say (being a little sceptical) that she surprised me with her questions and insights. She is a christian life coach but is so sensitive to what you personally believe, and communicates in an open-minded and inquisitive way.

If you want to gain a deeper insight into yourself and love learning about the mind, thinking with understanding from the bible this could be transforming for you.

Angela, UK

Shanen and the Rising Soul tribe have been a breath of fresh air in my life.

I love the honesty and vulnerability of everyone and feel so welcome and normal talking about my challenges. I learn so much from listening to others get coached on the group calls and from Shanen’s monthly lessons.

RS is such a worthwhile investment in my mindset and emotional health!!!

Ang S.

This is one of the first times I’ve started something like this and stuck with it.

Absolutely love it!  She meets you where you are at. No pressure no pushing to share. You can be as open as you want, or just listen. I’m so glad I was gifted a 3 month membership! I’ve since renewed and plan on continuing!

Current Member


Can’t I just do this work myself?

It’s tempting to try to do this work on your own. After all, we’re so used to trying to do everything on our own. 

But let me ask you this, where are you on your to-do list? Do you feel like you can actually prioritize this on your own and get the results you are searching for? Have you been able to change these patterns on your own? If there is any hesitancy in answering these questions, I ask you, “How much longer do you want to wait to get the support you need?”

I’m very busy. How much time will this take?

This question is actually very subjective. The answer is, it depends on where you’re at and how you choose to use the membership. Some choose to do the application without attending the live calls and still report growth and positive changes in their life. Others use the Marco Polo group instead of attending calls, while others report out in the group regularly and attend every call without exception! 

I also teach in multiple formats so you can learn in the way that suits you best! Think of it like I’m inviting you over for a buffet each month. There’s something for everyone. Taste whatever appeals to you and skip the rest.

The reality is that you’re here, and you know you need a change. And it’s possible that the change you are looking for is freedom from the pressure and constraint of time management. Within this membership, I teach you how to work to overcome this struggle. But in order to find more time, it will, in fact, take time to learn how to do it. Trust me on this: It’s the best return on your investment!

I'm not Christian. Will that matter?

Everyone is welcome here!  My teaching and perspective is deeply rooted in Jesus and the (non-LDS) Christian faith, so you’ll see that consistently throughout my content.  Not everyone who works with me is Christian though, and they still benefit from the content taught in Rising Soul.

What kind of support will I get within the program?

As a member of Rising Soul, I want you to know that I’m here to fully support you. We do that in three very specific ways:

#1. The Private Members-Only Marco Polo Group: We have an amazing community of women, all working to support each other. You can come here to ask questions and get feedback about the work you are doing inside of RS.

#2. Your Live Group Coaching / Q&A Calls As a member of Rising Soul, you will receive 2 LIVE calls per month with me and the other members of the group. Here’s where I offer coaching and answer your questions. You can get clarification directly from me.

If you’d like some help on an issue, but want to remain anonymous, email your question to me at least 24 hours before the Office Hour and I’ll address it on the call without mentioning your name.

#3. UPGRADE TO VIP COACHING And don’t forget, I reserve just a few individually-purchased 1:1 Coaching spots for Rising Souls, where you will have access to me directly with anything that you may need help with over the course of our time together inside the membership.

What happens when I enroll in the membership?

Once your enrollment is complete, you’ll receive an email with your login details, as well as a Welcome Email from me with a tour of the site, the Rising Soul Manifesto, and a Welcome Brochure with all of the foundational material you’ll need to be successful within the membership.

All membership content is released on the 1st of the month, and Office Hour live calls are on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month.

If I cancel, do I still have access to all of the content?

Once you cancel your membership, you lose access to all content in the membership, as well as your guaranteed rate. We do increase pricing every so often so if you rejoin, you’d be paying the rate being offered at that time. 

How does the payment work?

Choose the payment cycle that works for you~ monthly or annually (which includes one month free!). Payments renew automatically for your convenience, but you can cancel at any time by simply logging into your account. Payment terms of your agreement will be honored, and your card will not be billed again after cancellation. 

You keep access to all materials and prior months for as long as you remain a member, so you can revisit the modules as often as you’d like.

Do you offer a guarantee?

Because personal growth is personal and dependent on the effort and vulnerability you’re willing to invest in order to grow, I can’t guarantee your commitment or results. But I DO guarantee that I will hold up my end of the deal and be all in for you!  The tools I share and coaching I offer has helped women just like you move forward in their goals and gain awareness. Chances are, whatever it is that you’re afraid of not achieving…is what you already don’t have now. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

I have a question that you didn't answer. How can I connect with you?

Please feel free to email me! I’ll get back to you ASAP so you can make the best decision for you.

This membership is full of amazing women just like you

pursuing their goals and dreams…

They’re determined to live the best life possible

(but aren’t willing to risk their faith! )

We’re doing the work together & are ready to cheer you on.


Coming with us?

Get the joy filled abundant life that God intended for you now!