Therapy or Coaching?

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between counseling and coaching? If you said yes, you’re certainly not alone! There is so much cross-over between these two helping fields, in fact, that if you ask 20 different counselors and coaches, you’ll likely get 50...

Badly Behaved

Years ago, I fell in love with a dog named Hunter while volunteering at a local animal shelter.  This stud that had been rescued from a puppy mill had never been outside the dark shack he’d lived in for three years.  Suddenly the bright lights, running water and...

Villainizing Part 3

In the last of this three-part series, we’re considering a final way of villainizing others ends up hurting you: Keeping someone in the villain role robs you of forgiveness. Augh. The F-word. It’s an ambivalent word.  A verb and a noun.  An emotion and construct. It’s...

Victimized Part Two

In this three-part series, we’re looking at the three things we do that victimize ourselves. Today, we look at the second thing that keeps us feeling like we’re a victim of our circumstances. We aren’t able to grasp the difference between fault (or blame) and...

Villainizing Others

Over a decade ago, I stood at the funeral of my ex-husband and overheard someone say he had died from a broken heart. It felt like an unexpected blow. In reality, his alcoholism had advanced for years, causing the erosion of his identity, health, and our marriage. So,...

When You “Can’t Take One More Thing”

Crisis turns up the heat on whatever is already occurring inside. What we have grows in crisis. This is why great marriages get stronger during the death of a child, whereas fractured marriages end. When things are going great in our life, we pay little attention to...